Early Childhood Brochure Orchard Early Childhood Program | Page 6

One Classroom , Two Teachers

Each MultiAge classroom is led by two highly-skilled teachers who possess a broad range of skills and are responsive to the diverse needs of students . The team teaching model allows for small group , differentiated instruction throughout the school day .
Environment as Third Teacher
Our welcoming environments provide active learning spaces that include special attention to how children learn and what their interests are . It is a fluid space that encourages children to interact with high quality , open ended materials to engage them in active learning .
Orchard ’ s campus consists of many intentional learning spaces including :
• Many vegetable gardens ( including a garden dedicated solely to our youngest students )
• Three greenhouses and a large hoop house
• Wooded nature trails
• Four playgrounds dedicated to age-appropriate groups
• Natural water feature
• Outdoor classroom
• Ropes course
• Butterfly garden
• Outdoor science lab