EAIC 2025 | Page 14

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Actions that exhibit excessive boasting , a delay in competition , poor sportsmanship , unprofessional behavior , etc . may be penalized for by event judges . These actions may include , but are not limited to : 1 . taunting another team . Taunting may be defined as the use of baiting or taunting acts and / or words that engender ill will between teams . 2 . an athlete calling unnecessary attention to themselves ( i . e . high fives , chest bumps , etc .).
3 . excessive pre- or post-competition team rituals ( team bonding traditions must take place behind the stage area ). 4 . public displays of affection . 5 . stepping outside the competition boundary to approach coaching staff , crowd members and / or other members of the audience .
6 . excessive celebration ( i . e . athletes wrapping their legs around coaches and / or each other , victory dances , etc .). Any prolonged , excessive , or premeditated celebration by individual athletes or a group of athletes while on the competition floor .
7 . Coaching staff , parents , fans and / or other members of the performing club entering the competition boundary before , during or after a performance ( unless in direct response to an obvious athlete injury ). The only people allowed on the performance floor are the competitors and competition personnel .
8 . Participants collapsing to the floor following a performance when an injury does not seem apparent . It will be assumed that any athlete who is not able to maintain a standing position is in need of medical attention and will be treated as such .
9 . Participants exhibiting unsportsmanlike , unprofessional , disrespectful and / or unsupportive behavior may jeopardize team ' s ability to receive a future invitation
Athletic Performance Standards
A . Appropriate Choreography — Judges reserve the right to assess warnings and / or deductions when a team ’ s choreography does not meet the appropriate standards . 1 . All facets of a performance / routine , including both choreography and music selection , should be appropriate and suitable for family viewing and listening .
2 . Examples of inappropriate choreography may include , but are not limited to movements such as hip thrusting and inappropriate touching , gestures , hand / arm movements and signals , slapping , positioning of body parts and positioning to one another .
B . Music Guidelines — Music or words unsuitable for family listening , which include , but is not limited , to swear words and / or connotations of any type of sexual act or behavior , drugs , explicit mention of specific parts of the body / torso , and / or violent acts or behavior . Removing improper language or words from a song
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and replacing with sound effects or other words may still constitute “ inappropriate ”. Music or movement in which the appropriateness is questionable or with which uncertainty exists should be assumed by the coach to be inappropriate and removed as to not put their team in an unfortunate situation . Makeup — If worn , makeup should be uniform and appropriate for both the performance and the age of the athletes . Face / eyelid rhinestones are not allowed . False eyelashes are allowed but may not be decorated in rhinestones or additional jewelry . Bows — Bows should not be excessive in size ( acceptable bows are generally no more than 4 ” in width ) and should not be a distraction to the performance . Bows should be worn in a manner to minimize risk for the athletes , should be adequately secured and should not fall over the forehead into the athlete ’ s eyes , or block the view of the athlete while performing . General Uniform Guidelines — No risqué , sexually provocative or lingerie-looking or inspired uniform or garments allowed . All uniform pieces should adequately cover the athlete and must be secured to eliminate any possible wardrobe malfunction . Appropriate undergarments must be worn . In addition to the following guidelines , athletes also must consider that a combination of uniform pieces may also deem a uniform appropriate or inappropriate . ALL garments must properly cover the athlete and the athlete ’ s undergarments during the routine . 1 . Uniform / Skirt Guidelines — When a skirt is worn as part of the uniform , briefs under the skirt are required . The skirt must fully cover the hips . The skirt must completely cover the briefs and must fall 1 inch below the briefs ( regular and boy-cut briefs ). When shorts are worn as part of the uniform , there must be a minimum of a 2-inch inseam .
2 . Uniform Top Guidelines — Uniform tops must be secured by straps or material over at least one shoulder or around the neck ( tube tops are not allowed ).
3 . Visit USASF . net for more information about Athlete Performance Standards ( APS ).
4 . All IASF teams participating in the EA International Championship must cover their midriffs ( no crop tops ). Coverup Guidelines – - Athletes with non-full top uniforms must wear t-shirts or other suitable cover ups over their uniforms unless they are in warm-up areas , traveling as a group directly to or from warmups , or on the performance stage .