Eaglebrooke Newsletter September 2023 | Page 9

Eaglebrooke ,
Exciting things are happening at the club this month . We are in the process of growing in our two brand new driving range tees . They look fantastic and I am very pleased at how they shaped up . We are also doing more horticultural practices to the greens . This will begin to improve roll and speed heading into the main golfing season . And lastly , we are really gaining ground on the weed pressure throughout the golf course .
The new driving range tees are going to be a nice touch to our practice facility . Having 3 large teeing surfaces improves our versatility with golf outings , public play , and offering our members good hitting surfaces to improve their game . The underlying material was very different in the front of the range compared to the back . The front tee is much more clay based while the back lesson tee is completely sand based . This provides a bit of a challenge concerning water and fertility needs . Like anything we will work daily at finding that proper balance to get the best quality we can out of them . We are looking at opening them up mid-October for everyone to enjoy .
September is the month that we really set the greens up to get us through the fall and winter season . We will be verticutting and topdreesing bi-weekly to help thin the top growth for a more consistent ball roll . This also helps to stimulate root growth for food reserve to keep the greens at a healthy level with the upcoming cooler temperatures .
Lastly , we are getting very aggressive on our turf weed control . Florida has not had a truly cold winter in several years . This weather pattern allows the weeds to go dormant and reappear in the spring . We are trying to eliminate as many of them as we can before the soil temperatures drop triggering dormancy and not letting the weeds take up the herbicides that are applied . Like most things on the course , we have to focus months and seasons ahead of time to achieve the clean golf course that we are all wanting .

Wes Parker

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