Eaglebrooke Newsletter October 2024 | Page 21

Dear Eaglebrooke Residents ,
Barcodes : If you need a barcode , please go onto Eaglebrooke . net and fill out a barcode request form . Once you have completed the barcode form you will also pay online . We will no longer be handling barcodes at the office and exchanging cash . Once I have your barcode ready , I will contact you with a time you can pick up the barcode from the clubhouse .
Trash / Lawn debris and miscellaneous items : Lawn debris needs to be taken by your lawn company or placed out of view of the street or neighboring properties . Lawn debris and trash may only be placed out on Thursday night . When you place these items out , please make sure to not block the sidewalk as residents walk and bike along these areas .
Please make sure that you are not storing large items outside your home unless you have called for pickup . If you have called the county for pickup , please email Manager @ eaglebrooke . net . Trash cans and lawn debris should not be placed out until Thursday night .
Pets : Pets must be on a leash when outside the home . Polk County Leash Law , Section 14-22 states , “ a dog at large is one who is off premises of its owner or custodian and who is not under the direct control by means of a leash , fence , chain or cord of sufficient strength .” Also , on page 36 , Section 4 , Animals and Pets of the Covenants , it states , “ dogs shall at all times , whenever they are outside a Lot , must be confined on a leash held by a responsible person .” Therefore , your Pet must be on a leash at all times . An electronic fence does not mean your Pet may be left outside unattended . Please also be courteous of your neighbors and pick up any feces that may have been left on other ’ s lawns and / or common areas .
HOA Meeting Date : The next HOA meeting will take place Tuesday , October 8 , 2024 , at 6:30 pm .
Lighting : If there is a street light out , please report this by emailing Manager @ eaglebrooke . net . Please have the streetlight number when you report this and the address this pole is located at .
Architectural Request : Any exterior modification does require Architectural approval ( even if you are painting your home the sale color ). You can find request forms online at Eaglebrooke . net .

Eaglebrooke Board of Directors

Eaglebrooke Newsletter 21