Dear Eaglebrooke Residents ,
The Month of March is the Annual Meeting Month ! Notices have been mailed to all homeowners . If you can ’ t attend , please fill out the proxy and either bring this to the clubhouse anytime , or mail to Manager @ Eaglebrooke . net . The Meeting will take place March 12 , 2024 , at 6:30pm at the Eaglebrooke Clubhouse .
If you have not yet paid your Annual Assessment , please make sure to do so . Late Letters are being mailed out for unpaid assessments this month .
Your 2023 Financials are now available ! If you would like a copy of these financials , please contact JoAnna Likar at Manager @ Eaglebrooke . net or call 863-808-0035 . These are still pending review by the CPA .
If you have any questions , please feel free to reach me at 863-808-0035 or email Manager @ eaglebrooke . net
Looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting !
JoAnna Likar eaglebrooke newsletter 15