The crazy weather patterns are continuing through the first part of the new year . It has been a wet start to 2024 and we are trying to stay productive to improve the golf course . We will be working on weed prevention , landscape beds , and cart traffic issues . I am happy with the overall look and playability of the golf course , and I feel we have made great strides on the detail aspect . The bermudagrass has been slowed to a crawl . This is when we can get a handle on the little things that bring the professional look that I want to achieve .
At the beginning of January , we were able to get several of the oak trees trimmed on holes 2,3,4,5,7,15 , and 16 . I was very concerned about ruts and damage to the turf because of the frequent rainstorms in this El Nino weather pattern . The outside company that was chosen did a great job of not only trimming the trees but respecting the golf course with minimal damage . This should not only have an impact on the overall appearance of these holes but with turf growth and health . We will continue to chip away at other smaller areas in house with the maintenance crew lifting smaller trees and cleaning the landscape beds on the course . I am also planning on upgrading more of the landscape beds throughout the course . A few areas we will be working on are # 6 tee area , # 10 green slope area , the restroom area on # 14 , and the area between # 15 green and # 12 tees . Most of these areas still have the original plant material that has been damaged by hurricanes throughout the years . It is time to upgrade these areas to a cleaner , maintenance friendly look .
I have noticed a lot of disease activity in St . Augustine grass yards throughout the neighborhood . The disease is called brown patch , and it thrives in wet cool conditions . It appears as yellowing or brown circular patterns in St . Augustine grass . It can be mistaken for dry spots but unfortunately gets worse the more water is applied . Water from rainfall does not evaporate or get used by the plants as quickly this time of year and can be turned off with weekly rain showers that are happening this winter . Please be mindful of this as it is treatable with a fungicide spray application but if left untreated and overwatered it will kill the St . Augustine .
Please continue to be mindful of where you drive golf carts sticking to the rules and signage . It is important in the winter for everyone to do their part to make Eaglebrooke a premiere golf community . I hope everyone is enjoying the golf course and with a little help from everyone following the traffic rules , we will continue to improve and grow .
Wes Parker
8 eaglebrooke newsletter