Greetings Eaglebrooke ,
We are happy to get the month of January behind us ! The overall weather throughout the month was not conducive for playing golf . We had many wet , cool days which resulted in cart path restrictions throughout the month . Hopefully that is all behind us as we move into the prime of our golf season !
As a friendly reminder , we are moving into the busy season for golf throughout the state of Florida . We are expecting beautiful weather and great golf course conditions . Please ensure you are utilizing your advanced tee time booking privileges to ensure you obtain your tee times . Please note , we will be hosting a Golf Outing for the Lakeland Bar on the afternoon of Friday , February 9th .
The Member-Guest Tournament is scheduled for Friday , May 3rd – Sunday , May 5th . Event Invitations / Entry Forms will be mailed out in early March to all eligible members ( Gold & Platinum Members ). Guests will be required to have an established USGA handicap at time of tournament registration . Be on the lookout for more information as we get closer to the event .
Ryan Roberts
General Manager
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