Eaglebrooke February 21 Newsletter | Page 13

This year , we have experienced much cooler weather than we have seen over the past couple of years . In fact , the high temperatures during the month of January averaged almost seven degrees lower than last year . We had more frosty mornings in January alone than we have seen in the past couple of years combined . The pigment applications on the fairways and tee boxes have been successful . These applications create definition as well as help keep the turf slightly warmer ( which promotes growth ).
As a reminder , cart traffic is very critical throughout the golf course during the cooler weather months . The grass is not growing , and more people are playing golf as we move into Florida ’ s “ in-season ”. Please help us out by following the cart traffic signs and ropes and by keeping your carts on the paths on the Par 3 ’ s , tee boxes and greens . Please cut across fairways using the 90-degree rule and scatter ( don ’ t follow the cart directly in front of you ) when coming off of the cart path to enter the fairway .

Juan Perez

FEBRUARY eaglebrooke newsletter 13