EAA Triple Five Flier EAA Triple Five Flier Newsletter | Page 27
Gary Boudreaux has is GP4 project for sale.
All metal parts fabricated and gas welded Windshield hoops laminated Cap strips on all of the
wing, flap, and aileron ribs Spars for flaps and ailerons built Fuselage, vertical & horizontal stabilizers, rudder & elevators complete Fuselage and
wing tanks molded, but not leak tested
All plywood needed to finish is here, spruce for
wing spars is not included. All glue has been West
System epoxy and test samples will be included
Landing gear built to original plans, Cleveland
brakes and wheels
Continental IO 360, O Timed locally along with
all accessories, 24 volt system. Includes FI,
pumps, and prop governor, but not the ignition
wires and exhaust.
I can be reached at [email protected] or
by phone, email for the number.