EAA Triple Five Flier EAA Triple Five Flier Newsletter | Page 25

FOR SALE by owner ERCOUPE, 415 C, LSA Qualified, Mfg. date 1947, TTAF 2567 – TT Engine C-85, 645.3 – SN 4419, McCAULEY prop 7148. Last annual Oct. 2015, all AD's and SB's complied with. No rudder pedals, it's a two control plane which I like for safety purposes and extra leg room, you can't stall or spin it, however, if you prefer a 3 control plane (with rudder pedals) the transition is easy. This plane is like new, get in it, fire it up and fly anywhere in the US. I will provide performance figures in the near future. Price - $44,000 cash or direct deposit. I have much more invested in this plane than I am asking. Call or text Jack for more details at 903-436-0474 - [email protected] Location – North Texas Regional Airport, KGYI, Denison, Texas (old Perrin Field} 25