e4_grader_h2.xlsx (answer) Homework | страница 2

2 Freeze the top row in the Faculty sheet . 2.000
3 In the Faculty sheet , convert the data to a table and 5.000 name the table ​Spring2016​ .
4 In the Faculty sheet , apply Table Style Light 14 to the 5.000 table .
5 In the Faculty sheet , sort the table by Instructor , then
Days , and then Start Time . Create a custom sort order for Days so that it appears in this sequence : ​MTWR , MWF , MW , M , W , F , TR , T , R​ . ( The day abbreviations are as follows : M = Monday , T = Tuesday , W = Wednesday , R = Thursday , F = Friday .)
6 In the Faculty sheet , remove duplicate records from the 5.000 table .