e03ws05Lessons completed solution | Page 7

Hint: In cell G3.type ​ =IFERROR(INDEX('Data Inputs'!$B$7:$E$10,MATCH(F3,'Data Inputs'!$A$7:$A$10,0),MATCH(E3,'Data Inputs'!$B$6:$E$6,0)),50) ​ and press ENTER. 8 Click the Report worksheet tab. In cell B3, use the VLOOKUP function to look up the teacher’s name in the Student_Data​ table for the student listed in cell ​ B2​ . The value should be looking for an exact match. In cell B4, use the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the teacher’s average fee in the ​ Price_Per_Hour​ field for the teacher listed in cell ​ B3​ . In cell B5, use the VLOOKUP function to look up the student’s skill level in the ​ Student_Data​ table for the 10