e03ws05Lessons completed solution | Page 2

with your name. In the Security Warning bar, click Enable Content. 2 On the Student Data worksheet, select the range 3 A7:K17, and then name the range ​ Student_Data​ . With range A7:K17 selected, create a named range for each column in the Student_Data named range using the top row as the range values. Hint: To name the range, on the FORMULAS tab, in the Defined Names group, click Create from Selection. 3 Click the Data Inputs worksheet tab. Select the range A3:B3, and then create a named range using the left column as the name. Select the range A6:E10, and then create a named range using ​ Lesson_Pricing​ as the name. Select the range A13:E17, and then create a named range using ​ Trans_Fees​ as the name. Select the range A20:G24, and then create a named range 5