In cell B31 , calculate Total Discounts for Friday for One Double rooms by subtracting Gross Sales from Net Sales . Copy the formula to cell range C31 : H31 .
19 Copy the formulas in cell range B31 : H31 to cell range 5.000
B39 : H39 .
20 Apply Bold to cell ranges B31 : H31 , B39 : H39 , and
B46 : G46 . Apply AutoFit Column Width for columns A : H . Use the resizing handles to reposition the right side of the logo in row 1 between columns F and G .
21 On the PAGE LAYOUT tab , set Orientation to 4.000
Landscape and set Width to 1 page .
22 In the Documentation worksheet , type ​Completed
1.000 formatting and calculations in the Hotel Discounts worksheet​ in cell C8 .