e01_grader_h1_HotelDisc_YourOffice (solution) Homework | Page 4

7 Apply number formatting as follows : 8.000
Format cells B26 : G29 , B34 : G37 , and B43 : G45 as Number as follows : ( 1,234.10 ). Negative numbers should not be displayed in red , 2 decimal places and Use 1000 Separator (,) should be checked .
Format cells B30 : H31 , H26 : H29 , B38 : H39 , H34 : H37 , B46 : H46 , and H43 : H45 as Accounting .
8 In cell B26 enter a formula to multiply the total number
5.000 of One Double rooms rented on Friday by the Standard Rate for a One Double room . To enter the formula , on the HOME tab , in the Editing group , click AutoSum , and then select the cell range B14 : B17 . Edit the formula to multiply the SUM () function by the Standard Rate for a One Double room .