How to Order our HSS Tools High Speed Steel Cutting Blades
The following pages consist of E-Z Burr ’ s standard tool specifications . When you determine which E-Z Burr tool is the right one for your application you can either call us , email us or fax us .
When ordering High Speed Steel deburring tools whether it is a Micro Series Tool , Standard HSS tool or Stubby Tool you will need to add a blade suffix to the tool number .
E-Z Burr has a unique spring-type high speed steel blade has set the standard for durability and reliability in the tooling industry . These precision blades assure part-to-part consistency .
To determine the best HSS blade for your application , use this chart . You will need to know the following : 1 . Determine your tool range ( for assistance with this go to ezburr . com and click on E-Z Tool Calculator ) 2 . Determine the material group you are cutting
B Style
R Style
Please reference page 23 to determine the correct blade suffix for your application . These tool extension numbers are based on your desired hole size , material and whether you need front and rear hole deburring or rear-only .
Example : EZL 0250 both Front and Rear Cutting = EZL0250-02 EZL 0250 Rear Only Cutting = EZL0250-08 .
Recommended Speeds and F eeds
Material HSS Series
Free Machining Aluminum Cast Iron Low Carbon Med Carbon Stainless High Alloy Steel
75 - 126 90 - 150 40 - 60 60 - 100 45 - 80 20 - 40 25 - 50
. 003 - . 010 . 003 - . 008 . 003 - . 010 . 004 - . 011 . 003 - . 010 . 003 - . 010 . 003 - . 010
SFM Feed )
The speeds and feeds above are intended as guidelines only .
Formula |
Terms |
Inches ( decimal ) mm ( metric )
RPM = SFM x 3.82 DIA
SFM = RPM x DIA 3.82
RPM = M / min x 318.47 DIA
mm / min = RPM x mm / REV
M / min = RPM x DIA 318.47
IPM = Inches Per Minute I PR = Inches Per Revolution RPM = Revolutions Per Minute SFM = Surface Feet Per Minute D IA = Tool Diameter |
B Style |
R Style |
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