E-Town May/June 2024 | Page 9


UNSUNG HERO helping the community all-around

By Caitlyn Decker
“ She ’ s a woman who approaches life with grace and humor and commitment . That ’ s a pretty good recipe for life .”
That ’ s the way Gail Wynne , longtime Oklahoma Regional Food Bank board member , would describe Marsha Lee Scott .
Marsha Lee Scott is a woman of vision who seeks to educate and encourage the future generation while nurturing it in many ways as if the individuals were members of her own family . She ’ s an educator , a public servant and a caring friend .
“ Serving within the community is fun because I get to help with and hear about activities that are a vital part of quality of life in the community ,” Scott said . “ It ’ s a way to educate , encourage and connect the community which is a work that I feel very privileged to be a part of .”
There is hardly an area of life in Enid that Scott isn ’ t involved in . From feeding the hungry with Loaves and Fishes since it began ; to educating the young and mature by serving on the Public Library of Enid and Garfield County board and with the community Chautauqua board , which hosts historical reenactments and events ; to creating a more beautiful place to live , by putting her ideas in action on the Enid Park Advisory Board . The service of Scott is varied , but in every way intentional .
Some might say Scott serves because she lives a life of genuine faith .

Marsha Lee Scott

“ I think we are called to make disciples and love our neighbor — that ’ s the bottom line ,” Scott said . “ I think that ’ s what has been my motivation for service and has been what ’ s activated me in community outreach .”
Since childhood , Scott has been a part of the United Methodist Church where she says alot of her service to the community has stemmed from . Within the church she has taught Sunday school , Bible studies and used those skills in the world around her to serve and speak the truth in love .
“ I just want to help people ,” Scott said . “ If there is anything I can do to make the community a little better and improve even one person ’ s quality of life because of it , then that is what I want to do .”
I met Marsha when she was a teacher at OBA . It was quite apparent she is such a caring , genuine , and talented lady who aspires to assist and advance others . Her students embraced her teaching style and ascended on to higher levels of education and further responsibilities . Marsha has this unique way of being disciplined , considerate and able to readily communicate on the spot . She delivers sound advice and worthwhile instruction . She is a friend to many and has worked diligently to share her faith-based principles to a wide-reaching audience . She is very much a servant . Without question , we are pleased to acknowledge Marsha as our most recent “ Unsung Hero .”

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