EDF Renewable Energy
For 25 years EDF Renewable Energy has
exclusively served the North American
energy markets.
EDF Renewable Energy is one of North Ameri-
EDF and is uniquely positioned as an entre-
ca’s leading renewable energy companies.
preneurial and agile developer, backed by the
As part of the EDF Energies Nouvelles group
financial strength of a one of the largest utility
(EDF EN), we develop, construct, own and
companies in the world.
operate renewable energy projects including
but not limited to, wind, solar, microgrid, geothermal, hydro, storage, marine, biogas and
biomass. We have a diversified geographical
and business presence in North America and
Europe, with projects in 25 states and
17 countries.
The EDF group brings strength of revenues
twice the size of the largest Defense Systems
Integrator, an R&D budget approximately twice
that of ARPA-E, with 2,000 engineers and
scientists, an international workforce of over
160,000 and a global footprint of projects
serving over 37 million customers and generat-
With over 5,300 megawatts (MW) of renew-
ing more than 640 terawatt-hours (TWh) of
able energy developed in North America,
EDF Renewable Energy is at the forefront
of the expanding renewable energy industry.
Our Operations and Maintenance group (O&M)
EDF Renewable Services operates and maintains nearly 7,000 megawatts of renewable
energy projects.
EDF Renewable Energy has a proven track
record of performance. Our 25 years of
experience allows us to provide sensible,
highly competitive offerings, using best-value
commercially proven technologies. Our past
performance and unrivaled financial strength
As a part of EDF EN, EDF Renewable Energy is
provide the assurance that what we promise
a member of the EDF group. EDF Renewable
will be achieved and delivered.
Energy benefits from its close relationship with