E-profile Mary's Kordolemi | Page 2

My profile Τησ αρέςει η κηπουρική! Σπούδαςε ςτη Νομική Αθήνασ. Μιλάει αρκετά καλά την Αγγλική. Παρακολούθηςε online μαθήματα αγγλικών και ιταλικών μέςω πλατφόρμασ Moodle . Είναι μέλοσ του ΟΙΚΟ.ΠΟΛΙ.Σ και άλλων πολιτιςτικών ςυλλόγων. Εργάςθηκε για 33 χρόνια ςτο Νοςοκομείο Παίδων Πεντέλησ και ςτο ΝΙΜΙΤΣ. Member of SAVIC project Traveling in Italy for 21 days. The dream come true. Because it was not just a simple trip to see and get to know different places, but also to learn and experience the lifestyle of Italian people. 1st week in PESARO ......I can characterize it as a cosmopolitan city . I was impressed !! 2nd week SENIGALIA. A beautiful city, where the main theme was volunteering and civil protection. Last week we stayed at the Sant Angelo in Vado. For me it was like a trip in fairy tales. A village of about 3,000 inhabitants, gorgeous, picturesque and very clean.For example that weekend there was a bike festival and 4000 motorcyclists had gathered from all over Europe. Almost 10,000 people were in Sant'Angelo that weekend, they ate, roamed the village,had fun on the streets watching the music bands perform, but the following morning the village was peaceful, beautiful and incredibly clean, as if no one had ever come. About our hosting, I want to say that our Italian friends made us feel like we were at home all the time. We were accommodated in their houses, they cooked traditional foods for us and they accompanied us on our tour every day. Whenever we needed something they were always there for us. Finally I would like to congratulate Ms. Sofia Dimitriou Psarrou and Mr Elmo De Angelis for the wonderful program they had prepared, and for its successful realization. For us it was a “journey of life” and therefore we thank them very much.