E-portfolio Eirini's Bourolia Topouzoglou | Page 2

My profile Σπούδαςε ςχεδιάςτρια ςτη Σχολή Δοξιάδη. Μιλάει αρκετά καλά την Αγγλική. Παρακολούθηςε online μαθήματα αγγλικών και ιταλικών μέςω πλατφόρμασ Moodle . Είναι μέλοσ του ΟΙΚΟ.ΠΟΛΙ.Σ και των Friends of Nature.. Συμμετέχει ςε Δίκτυα Αλληλεγγύησ και ςε πολλέσ δράςεισ εθελοντιςμού. Member of SAVIC project Have been in Italy twice before my trip with SAVIC project , but just as a tourist. This one was a life journey , for me and let me tell you why I say you. I was given the unique opportunity to meet my fellow citizens of another country, to be hosted in their homes, sit at the same table with them , have fun with them, make joint actions and generally live together for 20 days , an opportunity I never had in my previous trips. I want to thank OIKO.POLI.S for giving me the chance to participate in SAVIC project. Furthermore , I want to refer to the consistency among the Greek group which contributed in the success of this trip and I dare to speak on behalf of other members of our team, the experience was unique. If I am allowed to testify something personal. When I was in sixth grade elementary school I was planning maps of European countries and the Balkans, during the Geography lesson. As my teacher said then, the map of Italy was better than those of all other countries. Perhaps that was prophetic . Thank you all!!!!!