e-mosty 3/2016: Santiago Calatrava. Bridges Santiago Calatrava. Bridges. | 页面 27
Santiago Calatrava and Margaret McDermott
The Margaret McDermott Bridge is named after the
philanthropist and wife of the founder of Texas
Instruments. She was the first person to make a
personal contribution that ensured Dallas’ ability to
secure Santiago Calatrava as the designer to meld
architectural beauty with functionality for bridges
over the Trinity River. The City of Dallas has worked
with TxDOT, legislatures in the region to make this
funding a priority.
Margaret McDermott Bridge je pojmenován po
filantropce a manželce zakladatele Texas Instruments.
Jako první osobně přispěla k tomu, že Dallas mohl
začít spolupracovat s panem Calatravou na návrhu
mostu, který spojil architektonickou krásu a funkčnost
mostů přes řeku Trinity. Město Dallas spolupracuje
s Ministerstvem dopravy v Texasu, zákonodárcem
v regionu, a financování mostu je prioritou.
Source: http://dallashorseshoe.com/about/margaret-mcdermott-bridge/
Photos provided by Ms Dianne Tordillo, K Strategies Group