E! Magazine E! MAGAZINE MAY ISSUE | Page 21


A creator is someone who brings something into being, someone who creates new things or methods. Creators have taken ideas and open different platforms for the users of the vu community, all though the creating industry needs more originality I must say, creators need to be more open minded. I know creating is not some 1, 2, 3 process but I do feel as if creators do more and strive for more then what they are looking to fulfill now IMVU can be changed and brought into a new light. We want more brought into this game/ virtual lifestyle we dedicate ourselves too yet we aren’t pushing for that. Creators need to think more outside of the box and reach out to the community not friends but everyone in this community and ask what they would like to see be brought into OUR 3d world. I follow small creators like JSLU, Fida and more and Jslu she brings out things that other creators put out two weeks after she made some items prior to them. It’s amazing how I see numerous of items being copied .... Now don’t get me wrong I understand what’s trending is popping but maybe if you actually study fashion and moguls, artists some creators may find hidden “ treasure ”. We have new age creators and we need to let those people shine in this community as well. Ii believe some people need to retire their crowns and teach someone else some things not all and let that person spread their wings to the creating community. I being a beginner in the creating field I understand creating can be somewhat frustrating and a mixture of joy because you’re seeing your thoughts come into life. I think it’s time to give different creators a chance to be put in the spot light and let them bring out their creations. I believe it’s time to strive for more with our virtual life and suggest things to creators from all sections as well. And maybe with suggestions and new and old age creators getting together and pushing for more we may have a chance of seeing different items to wear or decorate.