Men were slicing the meat into several parts.
On the next day, there were about 9 cows being sacrifices and the meat will be distributed to the local people, staff and UTHM students where the meat provided will be 1 kilogram per family. This event mostly participate by the staff and students of UTHM started about at 8.30a.m and end by the 2p.m. The men were taking part in slaughtered the animals and clean off the skin. Then they were cutting of the body of the animal into few parts. The women also took part in this event where they were responsible in slicing the part of the bodies of animal into small and packing it in 1 kilogram per plastic bag for each family. Every person who took part on that event seems to be so cooperative and responsible for their job and thus making it such a wonderful day for Muslims for being blessed with foods by the God.
I was hoping that this ceremony will never be forgotten by the young people as it is one of the important rituals for Muslims. Hence the older has to remind of the young generation about the importance of Eid al-Adha for us and will be practical through the generations.
The cow ready to be slaughtered.