March 6, 2014
atmospheric pollutant, and the tobacco-specific nitrosamine. Because of
the addiction that nicotine causes, the lungs are exposed for a long time
with these carcinogens, causing the person that is exposed to have lung
problems, and even develop a tumor.
Smoking can lead to
different diseases that are very
harmful for the body the major
ones are: Cardiovascular
diseases, which is the main
cause of deaths due to
smoking, accelerates the
process of the hardening of
arteries, cholesterol and fats
are deposited in the arteries
leaving them blocked or rigid,
and clots are three times more likely to appear. Cancer, specifically lung
cancer, throat cancer and mouth cancer. This is because of the constant
exposure to the carcinogens that were mentioned earlier, 90% of the lung
cancer cases in the world are due to smokin