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ITALY CULTURES AND HISTORY ITALY CULTURE Italy is considered the birthplace of Western civilization and a cultural superpower. Italy was the starting point for international influences such as Magna Graecia, Roman Empire, Roman Catholic Church, Romanesque [circular reference], Renaissance, Scientific revolution,. ] Baroque, New Classical, Risorgimento, Fascism and European integration. Throughout history, the nation has produced a tremendous number of remarkable people. Both the inner and outer faces of Western culture were born on the Italian peninsula, regardless of the history of the Christian faith, civil institutions (such as the Senate), philosophy, law, art, science or social customs. and culture. While Italy hosted many well-known and influential civilizations, including the Etruscans, Samnites, and Romans, it hosted colonies from major foreign civilizations such as Phoenician and Greeks, whose influence and culture had a major impact on the peninsula. Etruscan and Samnit cultures flourished in Italy before the emergence of the Roman Republic and conquered and included them. Phoenicians and Greeks established settlements in Italy several centuries before Christ's birth, and especially Greek settlements turned into developing classical civilizations. Greek ruins in southern Italy are perhaps the most magnificent and best-preserved places. For more than 2000 years, Italy has experienced migration and invasions and was divided into many independent states until 1861 until it became a nation state. Due to this relatively late merger and the historical autonomy of the regions that make up the Italian peninsula, many traditions and customs, now recognized as distinctly Italian, can be defined by regions of origin. Despite the political and social isolation of these regions, Italy's contributions to the cultural and historical heritage of Europe and the world are still large. Famous elements of Italian culture are art, music, style and iconic food. The birthplace of opera, and the language of the composer, regardless of the Italian language of the opera, for generations. Popular flavors in drama in Italy have long supported the comedy; The improvisation style known as Commedia dell'arte started in Italy in the mid-16th century and is still practiced today. The famous Ballet dance genre also came from Italy before it was exported to France. The country has several world-famous cities. Rome was the old capital of the Roman Empire and the seat of the Catholic Church Pope. Florence was the heart of the Renaissance, with great achievements in art at the end of the Middle Ages. Other important cities include Turin, the capital of Italy, and now one of the largest automobile engineering centers in the world. Milan is the industrial, financial and fashion capital of Italy. With its complex canal system, Venice attracts tourists from all over the world, especially during the Venice Carnival and Biennial. Naples, which has the largest historical city center in Europe and the oldest continuously active public opera (Teatro di San Carlo) in the world. To date, Italy is home to a large number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (55), , and, according to one estimate, the country is home to half of the world's great art treasures. In general, the nation has an estimated 100,000 monuments of any kind (churches, cathedrals, archaeological sites, houses and sculptures).