e-guide | Page 31

What should I Bring? Checklist Passport – get a passport cover or put your passport in a zipper bag to prevent damage; Driver’s license – especially if you are planning to drive; Another form of ID – such as a government-issued national ID or similar; Student card – if you are a student you can get many discounts and deals. Try getting the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) which is recognized in around 130 countries; Debit and credit cards – make sure you have these with you, but also bring some cash. It is better to use cash because you will save on the international fees that banks will charge you. Convert the cash to Euros as that is the official currency of Germany; Flight tickets and accommodation confirmations – just in case you are asked to show them when you check in. In my luggage I would put everything I think I can use in my trip. For example, all types of clothes, a pillow, my favorite blanket, make-up, parfume, and all the stuff I need. I can't leave my home without a book, my headphones, my charger and my Ipod. A must-have thing for a trip is a map, you never know when you need guidance in a foreign country. A bottle of water is always in my backpack, beacuse I get dehydrated very easily. You can put anything you think will help you and give you confort.