e-guide | Page 23

6 MOST FAMOUS MUSEUMS You can see lots of museum in England. But we tell you 6 most famous ones in London. Don’t forget to take a museum map and plan your visit. PS: While visiting, take notes about things that suprise you. 1. BRITISH MUSEUM You could spend several lifetimes in the British Museum, Britain’s largest museum, without running out of artifacts to ponder. The collection is one of the largest in the world, arranged by location (Ancient Egypt, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Greece and Rome), and the list of big hitters includes the Rosetta Stone and other finds from Ancient Egypt, Asia and the Middle East. Come early on a weekday for a less crowded experience, pick one gallery and stick to it (or go for a guided “Highlights” tour), and plan to hit one of the day’s free 30-minute taster talks.