are promoting the creation of sectoral CSIRTs in important sectors of the economy to include specialized sectoral expertise in order to complement the services of the National CSIRT and offer a strengthened monitoring and response mechanism at multiple levels .
In December 2021 , the Digital Security Authority ( DSA ) was designated as the National Cyber Security Coordination Center in the Republic of Cyprus ( NCCC-CY ). The purpose of NCCC-CY is to provide funding for Cybersecurity in Cyprus both through subsidy schemes for small and medium-sized enterprises and through funding of Research and Innovation programs .
In exactly the same period , DSA assumed the role of the National Cybersecurity Certification Authority ( NCCA ) based on European Regulation ( EU ) 2019 / 881 . NCCA ' s objective is to promote the institution of cybersecurity certification for IT and communications products and services and to develop the relevant capabilities of the Republic of Cyprus , with the ultimate goal of Cyprus becoming a regional certification center , with all the benefits for our country . Our vision is to create a safe and resilient cyber environment for the national healthcare domain . Strengthening the cybersecurity posture of this sector in Cyprus is of crucial importance . Poor cyber security undermines customer confidence and industry reputation , and could potentially result in severe financial losses or penalties , and litigation affecting the companies involved . Cyber security is not just about preventing hackers gaining access to systems and information . It ’ s also about protecting digital assets and information , ensuring business continuity , and making sure the healthcare industry is resilient to outside threats .
This year ' s conference will cover topics related to trends and developments in the field of cyber security as well as modern technological solutions , tools and Standards that strengthen the protection mechanisms of businesses against sophisticated attacks . By bringing together private and public stakeholders , academia as well as other relevant stakeholders , we can grow our force and provide a holistic approach towards the defense against cyber threats in a systematic , structured and coordinated effort . These initiatives can strengthen healthcare cyber resilience and help prevent cyber aggression .
I truly believe that we , together , can build a strong foundation for the healthcare domain ’ s security in today ’ s challenging cyber world . There is no going back , cybercrime is here to stay , and we must be in a position to defend ourselves , secure our organizations and the vital societal functions on which all daily activities depend on . Concluding my speech , I would like to congratulate the organizers of the conference and I am sure that very interesting discussions will arise around the topics that will be presented . It is really encouraging for all of us to see high quality events like this one being organised . Only by joining force we can win this fight .
Thank you all for your attention and I wish you all a productive conference .
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