Welcome Address e-CYberHealth 2022 Director - Vasilis Zomenos
Dear President of the National eHealth Authority of the Republic of Cyprus . Dear Executives , ladies and gentlemen .
I would like to welcome and thank you all for your participation at the 1st e-CYberHealth 2022 , CyberSecurity 4eHealth Int ' l conference .
I would like to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus for placing it under its auspices , my special thanks to our Main Supporter the National e-Health Authority of Cyprus as well as our Supporters the National Digital Security Authority under the Commissioner of Communication of the Republic of Cyprus , the Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation , the Cyprus Association of Information Protection and Privacy and the Cyprus Computers Society .
As the Healthcare industry offers life-critical services with innovative new digital technologies , CyberSecurity is a key requirement for its systems and networks . The ever-increasing sharing and access to significant amounts of medical data among all stakeholders in the era of eHealth and eCitizens is driving the assessment of cyber security risks and mitigating the impact of cyberattacks on eHealth . Therefore , we decided to launch the CyberSecurity event 4eHealth in Cyprus , here in the Eastern Mediterranean and we aspire to the recognition of its usefulness .
We are especially grateful to our SENIOR SPONSORS for their contribution to the realization of this concept , ODYSSEY Consultants Ltd and CLATORY with its distributor partner MultiPoint as well as to our SPONSORS , Guardbyte Ltd and KPMG of Cyprus . Special thanks also , to our Media Partners , the US Cyber Defense Magazine and the HealthManagement organization .
Once again , welcome to e-CYberHealth 2022 and I hope it will be a productive and beneficial Conference for everyone .