Some people call it gut feeling, some call it instinct some call it “something that tells them” and others call it the sixth sense.
The true Word defines it best: “Faith means being sure [the assurance; or the tangible reality; or the sure foundation] of the things we hope
for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it [the conviction/assurance/evidence about things not seen].
So God tells you to go to some foreign land to open an orphanage and you are not sure of funding because you do not have a single
donor or any basic knowhow of writing a proposal? Read about Abraham, a man who was told by God to take his family and move
to a foreign land which God would show Him. The guy was not even told the destination. He was just told, “Up and leave Abram, I
will guide you. When we get there, I will tell you.”
Here is another one set to keep you thinking faith is madness – Pretty widow whose husband has just died and all hopes of being
inherited as a wife by the husband’s brothers are all dashed (because they too are dead) tells her mother in-law “Entreat me not to
leave you, Or to turn back from followi