E-book Mobile APP in Education BOOK APPS ERASMUS | Page 47
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Enrico Fermi"-Vittoria -ITALY
You aim at visiting a place or even at planning a visit for people. You obviously think of booking
for a guide, but either his working hours don't suit you or it's simply full at this moment...
Anyway, you prefer to discover on your own, at your pace. Actually, you need an app on your
cellphone to get a tailor-made visit for you. Guidigo is the reference in this field.
Guidigo can be used as a data base on a famous place you're visiting. But, it's also a wonderful
tool to share one's knowledge about a place you particularly appreciate.
You can create your own guided tour, including riddles or competitive games to make your
visit more attractive. That's why Guidigo can also be used for educational purposes. For
example, involve your students by teams in outside activities relative to history, geography or
even orientation trail for the sportive types!
You don't know how to use this key app and you need further instructions: the following
tutorial enables you to get a hold of this app very quickly. Moreover, there is nothing like
interviews of users (teachers and students) for sharing the Guidigo experience.
So, get inspired by the following example, visit or create visits for your favorite place(s) with
Guidigo and Bob's your uncle!