E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 76

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies Interviews
R : Yes . V : Why did your dad leave his country to move to Greece , if I may ask ? R : Mainly for financial reasons . V : How do you manage ? R : What do you mean ? V : Well , are you wealthy , are you ok ? R : Yes , yes . V : When you first came to Greece were there mixed marriages between Albanian and Greek people ? R : Yes , but really few . V : Do you believe that this situation has changed ? R : Yes it has .
V : So , you feel that things are fine and there are more mixed marriages now and was your father ’ s adjustment to Greece smooth ?
R : Not really , because as I mentioned before , he had to learn the language . V : Do you know how many years the entire adaptation process lasted ? R : I think about 5 years . V : Ok about 5 years and what is your opinion on immigration ?
R : Well , it ’ s nice because if a family can ’ t afford to live comfortably they will immigrate to a financially stronger country where they will be able to live better .
V : And is your father of the same opinion ?
R : Yes , the same but he feels it ’ s not nice to leave your country because you could have helped its progress . It doesn ’ t matter if you are only one individual . It ’ s ok .
V : I see your point . Now that you are in Greece are you at ease with your homeland ? R : Yes . V : What about your father ? R : He is too . V : And what is your contact with the local population ? R : What do you mean ?
V : At school for example , or when you hang out with friends at a café , do you get along with people around you ?
R : Yes , absolutely . V : And your father ? How is he at work or his daily life ? R : He is fine too . V : Do you get on well with your neighbors ? R : Yes , they respect us . V : Very nice my friend . Thank you very much for your interview . It was very useful . R : My pleasure .
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