E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 74

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies Interviews
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = u7yYtfn1RjI https :// twinspace . etwinning . net / 75259 / materials / files
Efthymia : What ’ s your name ?
Pavlos : My name is Pavlos Konnosidis and I will talk to you about my father Socrates , who came from Georgia to Greece about 20 years ago . Now he is 50 years old and now they call him Romas .
E : How did he come from Georgia , and did he encounter any difficulties in travelling ? P : He did not experience any difficulty on the trip and he came by airplane . E : Why did he leave his home country ? P : He believed he would make a better life . E : Did he take anything with him when he left , to remind him of Georgia ? P : Pictures and more generally , memories . E : When he arrived , did he feel welcome , or did he face any kind of racism ? P : He did not face any kind of racism and yes , he felt welcome .
E : Do you yourself , have any relation to the place of your origin ? Have you ever been back or keep the customs ?
P : We keep the customs and we remember my father ’ s memories somehow through his narrations . I cannot have memories of my own , because I was not there but I keep everything close to my heart .
E : What helped your father to integrate , morality , customs , religion ? Was it easy ? P : All of these , all of these helped him in the incorporation . E : Does he feel comfortable to declare his place of origin ? P : Yes , because he is not of other origin , he is not Georgian , he is Greek from the Black See ( Pontus ).
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