E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 61

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies Essays-Biographies
Castejan ’ s Biography
My name is Nelson Castejan .
I am a Venezuelan migrant in Portugal . I come from Venezuela . I decided to immigrate due to the political and economical situation of the time in my country . My wife is Portuguese , so I chose Portugal as my host country . I have been living here in Portugal with my wife and daughter since a couple of months . Before coming here I knew already a bit about Portuguese culture . I also knew that the food was very good .
I had no expectations when I came to Portugal . The most difficult for me was to find a job and the idiom . I overcame those difficulties with the help of other professionals .
In Portugal , the St . Cirilo Community Centre helped me to integrate in the community . Unfortunately , I also felt discrimination when I needed to go to the Finance Department .
Although I am here only for six months , I miss the rest of my family and the Venezuelan landscape . However , I have about ten friends in Portugal . Portuguese are very silent people and we Venezuelan are loud people .
During my free time I usually read Portuguese books . I also like travelling to know more about the country . I hope to come back to Venezuela one day .
Suarez ’ Biography
Venezuela is my country . I have been living in Portugal with my family for about one year and a half . I am married to a Portuguese man , so I know a lot about the country to which I immigrated . We have a daughter .
We decided to emigrate from Venezuela due to its economical , political and social situation . Before coming to Portugal I had no particular expectations . I came to spend only two months and then I decided to stay . The Portuguese language and finding a job were some of the difficulties I had to face . My daughter , who is also married to a Portuguese man , helped me to overcome those difficult moments . I only have a few friends in Portugal , so that ’ s why I miss my family and the climate of Venezuela .
No one organization helped me to integrate but in spite of that I have never been discriminated . Venezuelans are more cheerful and open minded compared to Portuguese people . I spend my free time on social networks .
At present I do not intend to return to my home country .
Marco Duarte ’ s Biography I ’ m Marco Duarte , I am a single 45 – year-old Portuguese .
Because I wanted to have better professional conditions , I decided to emigrate . First I went to the UK , then I moved to Sweden . I have left Portugal for eleven years . I work as a Senior QA Project Lead . I am here in Sweden without my family .
Adapting to the new culture was the difficulty I faced then . Time played its role and helped me to overcome that . I miss my family and friends . Here , in Sweden , I also have some friends .
Swedish and Portuguese people have nothing in common . Portuguese are much more friendly and open . Reading a book , going to the cinema or playing computer games are some of the activities I spend the free time with .
I have no plans to return to Portugal .
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