E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 35

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies
performed the dirtiest and lowest paid jobs , legally they were disadvantaged because they were not French citizens . 57
The government pursued the traditional policy of not intervening in the social aspects of immigration but on the other hand lawmakers began to regulate immigration policy . On July 1 , 1972 France adopted a law against racial discrimination . This law made inciting racial hatred and racial discrimination a punishable offence . With a law passed on June 27 , foreigners could also now be elected as delegates to trade unions and further measures should also help facilitate the integration of foreign workers . Unfortunately , the positive efforts of the government did not improve the foreigner ’ s situation , but led to tensions between the groups and French protests in 1972 and 1973 . 58
In June 1973 , the right-wing extremist group “ Ordre Nouveau ” launched a campaign against immigration . In the summer of the same year , racial violence broke out openly claiming several deaths . 59
Towards the end of the 20th century racism and foreign hatred continued to increase . 60 Between 1980 and 1990 , immigration policy became increasingly important in France . More and more laws were passed and there were emotional debates about nationality and national identity . 61
This can be seen as many non-immigrants in France are labelled foreigners and some foreigners are not called immigrants at all . Children born in France automatically have claim to French citizenship when they reach the age of 18 , even if their parents are of a different origin . From a legal point of view , when defining foreigners , nationality is not considered to be the origin of the parents . 62 80 % of those who are described by society as immigrants have been living in France for over 10 years . 70 % of immigrants are under the age of 15 and 23 % were born in France . 63 From this it can be concluded that at least 23 % of the legal persons designated as immigrants are French and have therefore been incorrectly classified .
The contradictions between integration and control measures have become even greater , and immigration policy has become a political tool and an election campaign theme . 64
In 2012 not much had changed in respect to the minority groups , such as Muslims , Jews , homosexuals , Roma and Sinti , they are not only verbally abused in France , but also have to increasingly fight against acts of violence . According to official figures , the number of anti-Semitic acts of violence in France rose by 36 per cent between 2012 and 2016 . 65
The increasing shift to the right could be observed especially during the presidential election campaign in 2017 . The right-wing Front National party made it to the final round of elections with its president candidate Marine Le Pen . Le Pen led a terrible election campaign against immigration and Islam . If she had won the election her intention was to ban religious symbols such as the hijab in all public areas and reducing immigration to 10,000 immigrants a year . 66
One reason for this rising anti-Semitism is the illusion of the French population that there are more Muslim believers living in France than is actually true . 67 As reported in a commentary , there are fears that France will be
57 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 55
58 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 61
59 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 61
60 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 78
61 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 67
62 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 9
63 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 9
64 Silverman , Maxim : Rassismus und Nation , Hamburg , 1994 , p . 73
65 Bozonnet , Charlotte : Political stability in Morocco cannot silence the murmurs of discontent https :// www . zeit . de / politik / ausland / 2016-02 / rassismus-frankreicheuroparat-ecri-bericht ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
66 Brémond , Anaïs : Rassismus in Frankreich ist auch nach Le Pens Niederlage ein Problem https :// www . vice . com / de / article / nejzew / der-islam-ist-teil-von-frankreichmuslima-ueber-die-wahl-und-alltagsrassismus ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
67 Brémond , Anaïs : Rassismus in Frankreich ist auch nach Le Pens Niederlage ein Problem https :// www . vice . com / de / article / nejzew / der-islam-ist-teil-von-frankreichmuslima-ueber-die-wahl-und-alltagsrassismus ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
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