E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 29

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies
In 1912 Spain secured the Moroccan Mediterranean coast and France conquered central Morocco . On March 30 , 1912 the Treaty of Fès assured Morocco the protection of the French government . The Moroccan Sultan was not removed from power by the French but remained the religious and political leader of Morocco . The Treaty of Fès stipulated that France and Spain had control of foreign , economic and financial policies . The French government started treating Morocco and the inhabitants increasingly like a colony , which caused great dissatisfaction among the population . In northern Morocco , the Spanish occupation zone , the Berber tribes were fighting for freedom and independence . France supported Spain during these uprisings and many lives were lost due to the use of poison gas provided by the Germans . Moroccan resistance also started in the French occupation zone . 7
The move for independence was strengthened with a speech made by Sultan Mohamed V . on January 11 , 1944 resulting in France sending the Sultan and his family into exile to Madagascar . 8 This led to waves of violence among the Moroccan people leading to the Sultan returning to Morocco 9 in 1955 . 10 It was not until March 2 , 1956 that Morocco regained its independence , with the signing of the Independence Treaty in Paris by the French Foreign Minister Cristian Pineau and the Moroccan Prime Minister Embarrek Bekkai . 11
2.2 . French-Moroccan Relations
On November 6 , 1955 the contract of La Celle ST . Cloud Morocco granted independence as well as the interdependence of Morocco and France . This agreement came into force with the declaration of independence in 1956 . 12 After the Moroccan independence the Arabization began , the French influence was slowly but surely replaced by new Arab authorities controlling many areas one of which being the school system . 13
Even after Morocco was declared independent it was still a country richly influenced by France . Therefore , among other things , the state news is still broadcast in French , the economic and political elites communicate in French and many Moroccans speak French , the administrative culture established by France has been maintained and the multitude of Moroccan laws are based on French laws . 14
The still close link between France and Morocco is also visible and can be clearly seen when the Moroccan King Mohammed VI expressed his regret and provided financial support for the reconstruction of Notre Dame . This could be interpreted as a sign of friendship between France and Morocco . 15 In general , the relationship between Morocco and France is quite exceptional . The visit of French President François Hollande in 2013 was also intended to strengthen relations between the two countries ; Hollande praised Morocco for its progress towards democracy . 16 Compared to other African countries , Morocco has remained very peaceful in recent years . Nevertheless , in 2011 tens of thousands of Moroccans took to the streets and demonstrated for social
7 Ait Jillali , Rachid : Marokko feiert Unabhängigkeit – Das Erbe der Kolonialzeit https :// www . maghreb-post . de / gesellschaft / marokko-feiert-unabhaengigkeit-das-erbe-derkolonialzeit / ( Last viewed : 29.10.2019 )
Ait Jillali , Rachid : Marokko feiert Unabhängigkeit – Das Erbe der Kolonialzeit https :// www . maghreb-post . de / gesellschaft / marokko-feiert-unabhaengigkeit-das-erbe-derkolonialzeit / ( Last viewed : 29.10.2019 )
9 Ait Jillali , Rachid : Marokko – Königreich hilft bei Al-Aqsa und Notre Dame https :// www . maghreb-post . de / gesellschaft / marokko-koenigreich-hilft-bei-al-aqsa-und-notredame / ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
10 Hamdorf , Wolf Martin : Rückkehr des Sultans https :// www . deutschlandfunk . de / rueckkehr-des-sultans . 871 . de . html ? dram : article _ id = 125437 ( Last viewed : 30.10.2019 )
11 Ait Jillali , Rachid : Marokko feiert Unabhängigkeit – Das Erbe der Kolonialzeit https :// www . maghreb-post . de / gesellschaft / marokko-feiert-unabhaengigkeit-das-erbeder-kolonialzeit / ( Last viewed : 29.10.2019 )
12 L ’ Université du Luxembourg : Independence for Morocco and Tunisia https :// www . cvce . eu / de / collections / unit-content / - / unit / df06517b-babc-451d-baf6-
a2d4b19c1c88 / 2796f581-3e5a-4dff-9fbe-fd3d48966b38 / Resources # 7123b71a-89bd-4f45-bae3-05c7986b17b4 _ en & overlay ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
13 Sayeh , Adil Youssef : The impact of Arabization on the Educational System in Morocco https :// www . moroccoworldnews . com / 2013 / 09 / 104512 / the-impact-ofarabization-on-the-educational-system-in-morocco / ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
14 Ait Jillali , Rachid : Marokko feiert Unabhängigkeit – Das Erbe der Kolonialzeit https :// www . maghreb-post . de / gesellschaft / marokko-feiert-unabhaengigkeit-das-erbeder-kolonialzeit / ( Last viewed : 29.10.2019 )
15 Ait Jillali , Rachid : Marokko – Königreich hilft bei Al-Aqsa und Notre Dame https :// www . maghreb-post . de / gesellschaft / marokko-koenigreich-hilft-bei-al-aqsa-und-notredame / ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
16 Sourgo , Youssef : Moroccan-French Relations : Two Lessons from the French
Diplomatic Blunder https :// www . moroccoworldnews . com / 2014 / 02 / 123530 / moroccan-french-relations-two-lessons-from-the-french-diplomatic-blunder / ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
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