E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 28

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies Theses
1 . Introduction
Migration History of Abdelhadi Touti Comparison : effects and influences of immigration policy in France and Germany Written by : Julia Hofinger , FLG Planegg Hyperlink : Etwinning : https :// twinspace . etwinning . net / 75259 / materials / files
Having a migration background is the norm rather than the exception in today ’ s modern society . Virtually everyone has some claim to a foreign nationality . The subject of my essay is , Moroccan migration to France and Germany , in particular , comparing racism in the two countries , and using the migration and immigration history of Abdelhadi Touti ( 65 ) as a starting point .
Mr . Touti migrated as well as immigrated and has had to face integration and acceptance challenges in two foreign countries . Touti ’ s interesting history provides a basis to compare the two target countries , France and Germany , on migrant admission and racism respectively .
My essay begins with the historical background of Morocco as a French occupation zone , the French-Moroccan relationship after Morocco ' s independence and Moroccan migration history . This should facilitate the understanding of the following biography of Touti , which begins with his childhood in Morocco , subsequent migration to France , and the integration and racial experiences that followed . The biography ends with his German immigration , integration and racial experiences .
The following section provides background information , historical events and information necessary for further augmentation on my thesis . The intention of this information is to provide sources and facts concerning racial incidents in France during the past and present century , as well as racial incidents in Germany during the same time period .
The final section of my work is the comparison and interpretation of the information and facts presented . Finally , a comparison on the migration policy of France and Germany will be made .
2 . Morocco ’ s migration history
2.1 . Morocco ’ s history as a French occupation zone
From 1912 to 1956 Morocco was occupied by the French . 1 The occupation of Morocco was a lengthy procedure , as Spain , Great Britain , France and the German Empire campaigned against each other to occupy the country . 2
In 1905-06 the French influence in Morocco increased following an agreement with Great Britain . 3 The French influence in Morocco was a thorn in the side of the German Empire , leading to them challenging the French government at the 1906 Algeciras conference , about the takeover of Moroccan markets by France . 4 With the occupation of Fès and Rabat by France in 1911 a German gunboat the “ Panther ” was sent to Morocco by the German Empire . The intention of the German Empire was to accept France ' s rule over Morocco , 5 and in return the French colonial territories were to be handed over to the German Empire . On November 4 , 1911 , the German Empire renounced its claim on Morocco with the Morocco-Congo Treaty , resulting in the German Empire being granted a part of the French occupation zone , French Equatorial Africa . 6
1 Ait Jillali , Rachid : Marokko feiert Unabhängigkeit – Das Erbe der Kolonialzeit https :// www . maghreb-post . de / gesellschaft / marokko-feiert-unabhaengigkeit-das-erbe-derkolonialzeit / ( Last viewed : 29.10.2019 )
2 Dr . Ruoff , Manuel : Wie Marokko französische Kolonie wurde https :// www . preussische-allgemeine . de / nachrichten / artikel / wie-marokko-franzoesische-koloniewurde . html ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
3 Sippel , Paul : Koloniale Vergangenheit https :// marokkoinformationen . eu / geschichte / koloniale-vergangenheit / koloniale-vergangenheit . htm ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
4 Sippel , Paul : Koloniale Vergangenheit https :// marokkoinformationen . eu / geschichte / koloniale-vergangenheit / koloniale-vergangenheit . htm ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
5 Tonndorf , Katrin : Geschichte Marokkos https :// www . planet-wissen . de / kultur / afrika / reiseland _ marokko / pwiegeschichtemarokkos100 . html ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
6 Sippel , Paul : Koloniale Vergangenheit https :// marokkoinformationen . eu / geschichte / koloniale-vergangenheit / koloniale-vergangenheit . htm ( Last viewed : 14.10.2019 )
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