E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 21

Programme Erasmus + Europe on the move : Migration Biographies
Meanwhile , the rest of the family stayed in the refugee camp . They eventually could not bear the circumstances , so they left the refugee camp and went by bus to Istanbul . In Istanbul they found a small place to stay . Although the space they got was incredibly small , especially for a family of four , the cost was very high . Furthermore , it lacked any furniture . The landlord wanted his rent but Nesrin could not afford it . The landlord suggested that she could give her daughters in exchange for the rent , but she would not give them to him . After being pressured to pay she decided to leave . They had no other option than to sleep on the street . Eventually the mother
Figure 2 : Refuge route of the mother and her children organised a bus ride to Izmir , a city that is located
on the coast and offers easy access to the Greek islands . During their trip to Izmir , Nesrin ’ s son became unwell . This meant that the mother did not only have to look after the general wellbeing of the family , but also care in particular for her sick son . At this point the family had spent three years in the Asian part of Turkey before they were able to leave and continue to Europe . After arriving in Izmir , Nesrin found a boat to Greece . They were driven to the harbour hidden under blankets so that no one would be able to see them . After reaching the harbour they were taken to the boat that was supposed to bring them to Greece but when the mother saw the boat she refused to board it . Nesrin described the boat as being unsafe and too small for her whole family to board . After refusing the boat ride , Nesrin insisted on getting a safe boat ride to Greece reflecting the price she had paid . Ultimately , they got a safe ride and the family was brought to Greece with another boat
As soon as they arrived in Greece , they followed the Balkan route travelling mainly by bus . The Balkan route normally goes through Macedonia , Serbia , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Croatia and Slovenia 127 , followed by crossing Austria and ending in Germany . ( fig . 2 ) They ended up in Munich where they were arrested by the police and were put into a refugee camp located in southern Munich .
During their whole journey , the mother had to be very cautious . In particular , it became difficult to know who she could trust . She needed to be cautious about whose help she would be taking to save hers and her children ’ s lives and to keep everyone safe .
The interview showed how much bravery , dexterity , knowledge of human nature as well as will power the mother showed during the escape . These characteristics were not only needed to reach their destination but also to be able to motivate herself in such challenging circumstances . She had to be strong for them and hide her fear trying her best for her children . Moreover , both parents needed to develop insight into which organisations support refugees , which routes were available to Western Europe , and how to work and pay for people smugglers . 128
2.3 . Germany as a newly adopted country - why ?
2.3.1 . Facts and reasons for mass immigration to Germany
The number of refugees has been steadily rising since 2009 in Germany . The refugee crisis that took place in Europe in 2015 has been a vast refugee movement surprising many in its extent throughout 2014 and 2015 .
127 ( Peerenboom 2016 )
128 ( Haddad 2019 , 2f .)
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