E-BOOK: Migration Biographies - Europe on the move December 2020 | Page 106

11 out 13 teachers stated that their English communication skills were expanded ( Figure 23 ) and 12 out of 13 that they were able to reduce common bias ( Figure 24 )
Figure 23 : Sample percentages of teachers according to their sense of English communication skills improvement , resulted from the Programme
Figure 24 : Sample percentages of teachers according to their sense of being able to reduce common bias , resulted from the Programme
All teachers agreed that the goals of the Programme were fully achieved and that , after thiw experience , they would definitely participate in Erasmus + programmes in the future ( Figures 25 and 26 )
25 : Sample percentages of teachers according to their sense the goals of the Programme were achieved
Figure 26 : Sample percentages of teachers for their intention to participate in future Erasmus + programmes having the experience of our Programme
Finally , teachers were prompted to answer shortly for their most positive and most negative experience from the Programme .
Making friendships was commonly stated as the most positive experience , while most of the teachers answered that the interference from the Covid-19 pandemic situation did not allow us to finish all together our project .
Some highlighted answers follow :
“ Meeting really friendly people and establishing new friendship lasting forever ”
“ Erasmus programme enhanced my teaching skills . After so many years of doing more or less the same things this was a boost for my willingness to keep on teaching and really changed my disposition to a more cheerful one ”
“ To meet so many different people and to finish this project with so many impressions ”
“ I have new friends not only colleauges from other countries ” and “ This corona virus situation , which changed the programme ”
In Tables 6 and 7 all responses are displayed .
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