E-bike products and scooters Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Electric Bik | Page 8

3. Use warning features: If your bike has a horn or a bell, you have to learn to use it. If none of them is there, you should have them fitted. They not only protect the pedestrians on the roads but you too, especially when riding on a heavy traffic road. The features will help to alert the road users. 4. Use your lights: While riding at night, it’s important to see clearly where you are going. Switch them on to help you have better control of the bike. 5. Make use of the mirror: While on the road, you have to be watchful. The mirror is there to help you see who’s behind you, more so when turning or switching a lane. 6. Follow someone: If you are new to electric bikes, you should not ride downhill alone. Ask a friend who is more experienced to ride with you. Make sure that the friend leads the way as you follow.