E-bike products and scooters Electric Scooter & Electric Bicycle - Travel Green | Page 10

Who Uses an Electric Scooter to Get Around? • Those That Live in Busy Cities – Anyone that lives in a busy city is going to benefit from using an electric scooter. While they do not go fast, you can get from your apartment or house to the o k spa e that you ha e to d i e i to y usi g a s oote . You do ’t have to worry about getting stuck in traffic, having to go in the car pool lane, paying for gas to get there or even hailing and then paying a taxi. None of these problems are yours anymore when you have an electric scooter. • Those That Want a Quick Way to Get Around Town – Anyone that wants to get around their town faster, but in a way that is not going to cost them money then a scooter is a great option. Short distances on a scooter benefit the person as they can only go up to 40 miles when charged. However, they do not require gas, so it is also saving you money to go around the corner to the store or visit a friend that might be down the street and needs a little help. • Great for Older Kids and Teens – If you have a teen that is starting to drive, but is nervous, start them off with a ele t i s oote . They’ e legally a le to d i e the a ou d a y to s a d cities, plus they give them the experience that they might need while riding on the roads in a car.