E-bike products and scooters Electric Bicycle and Electric Scooter | Page 5
Electric Bikes
The three principle parts of the e-bike are the motor, drivetrain and
battery. An e-bike is similar to a standard bicycle; however, the e-
bike is reliant upon these three main parts.
The e-bike’s single most significant characteristic is the electric
motor. There are various types of motors that can be on an e-bike;
such as the front-hub, rear-hub and mid-drive motors.
Located on the front tire, the front-hub motor supplies a
momentum by spinning the front tire, this momentum creates the
feeling that the e-bike is being “pulled” ahead.
Next is the rear-hub—the rear-hub motors operate by supplying
momentum to spin the rear tire; this gives the rider the more
ordinary feeling of being “pushed” forward. The rear-hub is much
more normal than the front hub and riders seem to prefer the rear-
hub motor e-bikes.
The next type of motor is the mid-drive; this one sends the e-bike’s
drivetrain the power instead of sending it to either of the hubs.
The battery on an e-bike has a range lasting anywhere from twenty
to sixty miles per each charge. This is dependent on how the rider
uses the battery; either pedaling only, pedal assistant and battery