There is a shortage of literature available relating directly to managing dyslexia in the workplace; the research that is available seems to focus on the negativity of dyslexia and the difficulties that are associated with it. Once the literature review was broken down into subjects/themes, there is a rich body of research available.
The review starts by defining what dyslexia is, describing what the learning disability is and how it affects impact on a person’s life. The review then sees dyslexia as an overview throughout history; when dyslexia was first recorded and identified and how it has changed throughout history to the present day.
Literature has been reviewed around the affects of dyslexia relating to both the structure and function of the dyslexic brain.
Because of the aims of the report, the review has researched into literature relating to education to see what support is available to dyslexic people during their time in education to prepare them for employment. The review has also researched into dyslexia in the workplace with the overview of employment law.
The dyslexic entrepreneur is a theme that the literature review wanted to explore due to the high percent of entrepreneurs who are dyslexic. The review was keen to identity recent studies which might add understanding to this.
According to the British Dyslexia Association, dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which affects the development of the literacy and language related skills. It is likely to be present at birth and to be lifelong in its effects. It is characterised by difficulties with phonological processing, rapid naming, working memory, processing speed and the automatic development of skills that may not match up to an individual’s other cognitive abilities it tends to be resistant to conventional teaching methods, but its effects can be mitigated by appropriately specific intervention, including the application of information technology and supportive counselling.
The definition describes dyslexia as “a combination of abilities and difficulties which affect the learning process in one or more of reading, spelling and writing. Accompanying weaknesses may be identified in areas of speed of processing, short term memory, sequencing, auditory and/or visual perception, spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly related to mastering and using written language, which may include alphabetic, numeric and musical notation.