Dyslexia May 2013 | Page 14



300 questionnaires were sent out across the UK. 56% dyslexic employees responded.

1.Are you male or female?

85.7% female

14.3% male

2.Have you told your employers you have Dyslexia?

65% said Yes

35% said No

3. If so were you apprehensive in telling them and if you did not tell them why?

All 65% above were apprehensive about telling their employer’s about their disability and

Some comments included;

“I wasn’t sure if my manager actually understood what dyslexia is”

“I think most people will see it as a weakness”

“I was unsure about the reaction”

“I felt like it would hinder opportunities”

4. Did you disclose you’re Dyslexia at interview or after you secured the job?

100% of all participants did not disclose their dyslexia at interview stage.

5. Do you feel your employer/manager reacted positively, negatively or indifferently?

“At first it was hard to tell, It was a judgement call”

“Bit of both, my employer paid for my assessment which was positive but then declined m my application for a management role because of my dyslexia”

“They were positive but not encouraging”

6. Do you feel reasonable adjustments were made for you in the selection process?

No employers were made aware of their candidates’ disability.