Dynamite Magazine May, 2014 | Page 9


3. Streptococcus

This killer is responsible for numerous cases of pneumonia throughout the world, it’s the main cause of bacterial meningitis. When the immune system is compromised or something occurs to disrupt it, this transforms into a virulent bacteria capable of killing those affected.

4. Syphilis

Very difficult to diagnose, the genital sores imitated other disease as did other symptoms. Easily treatable in the first and second stages now, the tertiary stage is still a big problem. This is when the bacteria often invade the brain, leading to generalized paresis. Can also affect the heart and its main aorta, leading to a bobbing of the head in rhythm to the heartbeat, often ending in death.

5. Staphylococcus

Transmits through person-to-person contact or by use of contaminated items or surfaces. MRSA infections occur often in healthcare settings such as hospitals and are notoriously hard to treat, often involving hospitalization and antibiotics given intravenously. It is normally found in small amounts on your skin, and a normal immune system can deal with it or antibiotics in most cases if the bacteria takes a hold and makes someone ill. Recently, however, antibiotic-resistant strains have appeared, called MRSA (multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which is probably best known for causing the ‘flesh eating disease’.