Dynamite - Alliance Catholic Worker Newsletter February-March

THE ALLIANCE CATHOLIC WORKER NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016 Dynamite Joshua Casteel House, 830 S. Freedom Ave. Alliance, Ohio Wednesday Meal Grows Larger READY FOR THE YEAR OF MERCY? What started as a small lunch has grown to the largest meal we serve. Stop in to help every Wed @ 11:30 a.m. Our other Meals: Sun @ 3:00 p.m. Mon @ 5:30 p.m. The Catholic Worker Movement is Built on the Works of Mercy “A day never passed without Dorothy speaking of the works of mercy: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, giving shelter to the homeless, caring for sick, visiting prisoners, burying the dead, admonishing the sinner, instructing the ignorant, counseling the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving all injuries, praying for the living and the dead. She helped us understand a merciful life has many levels: there is hunger not only for food but also for faith, not only for a place at the table but also for a real welcome, not only for assistance but also for listening, not only for kind words but also for truthful words. There is not only hospitality of the door but also hospitality of the face and heart. As she said, We are here to celebrate Him through these works of mercy.” -Jim Forest (Dorothy Day Saint and Troublemaker. Canticle Magazine (Winter, 1998)) What better way to celebrate The Year of Mercy than to learn about Dorothy Day and help out at the Catholic Worker?
 1 We always could use your help! We are always looking for new volunteers. Whatever your talent is, we can put it to use. Phone: (330) 913-7051