2015 - 17
tery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night
saying we’ve done something wonderful…that’s
what matters to me.” — Steve Jobs
Takes moral high road and fear never
Eat drink be merry and make lots of money
Sagittarius entrepreneurs are strong intellect,
have penetrating thought process, and curious
minds. Politics, philosophy, are morality are their
forte. Optimism and faith will see them through
the most vexing experiences in the business
world. They love to explore new opportunities
and are too focused about their work.
Stubbornness does mix up with their steadfast
and can be very uncompromising when it comes
to business.
Your Quote: “Travel: as much as you can, as far as
you can, as long as you can. Life’s not meant to
be lived in one place.”
Fiercely independence is the most striking qual-
ity of Aquarian entrepreneurs. Ruled by Uranus,
Aquarian entrepreneurs never look back; rather
they are too focused about their business future
plans. These entrepreneurs are well-spoken; ra-
tional which makes them excel in various busi-
ness dealings. Their ruling planet Uranus, gives
them the power of quick and easy transforma-
tion which makes them deep thinkers, progres-
sives and humanists.
Your Quote: — “Our prime purpose in this life is to
help others. And if you can’t help them, at least
don’t hurt them.” – Dalai Lama
Highly adaptable, and intuitive
Address it, conquer it and move on
Ruled by sober, serious Saturn, Capricorn are
very hard working and highly ambitious entre-
preneurs. These entrepreneurs are excellent with
their finances, so money is never a problem with
them. Capricorn entrepreneurs like working as a
part of a team than just bossing around. They
tend to achieve positions of power and surround
themselves with highly successful personalities.
Your Quote: “You were given life; it is your duty
(and also your entitlement as a human being)
to find something beautiful within life, no matter
how slight.” — Elizabeth Gilbert
A Piscean entrepreneur understands the ebb
and flow of the business and doesn’t believe in
wasting time. Their ruling planets Jupiter & Nep-
tune makes them amazingly brilliant at express-
ing themselves. Ideally they float on top of sit-
uations and don’t become too concerned about
profit and loss.
Your Quote: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
is just to love, and be loved in return.” – Moulin