Dr. Shampa Nandi,
Dr. Shyam Prasad
Internal Marketing – An Essential Condition for Improving the Quality of Indian Higher Education?
Education in India started at 3 rd century B.C, mostly focussed on religious education and imparting
knowledge orally. Education was free, but normally well off students used to donate some “Gurudakshina”
to their gurus as a token of respect and appreciation. In the medieval period, Indian higher education sys-
tem was flourished with renowned universities like Nalanda, Takshila, Ujjain & Vikramshila universities
where students across globe used to visit. Teachers or Gurus, with high level of intrinsic motivation were
highly respected in society and teaching profession was a high esteemed selfless profession. About one and
half century ago the modern university system started in India with the establishment of Calcutta, Madras,
Bombay and some other universities between 1857 to 1902, modelled after British universities. As of 2014,
there are 677 universities, 37,204 colleges and 11443 stand-alone institutions in India. According to Kapil
Sibbal, ex-union HRD minister India needs 800 new universities to be established by 2020 to meet the mas-
sive demand of India because of its aspiration of emerging as a global knowledge hub. But at the same time
several recent studies have revealed that overall condition and quality of Indian higher education is dismal
and except one or two, none of the Indian universities features among top two hundred in global ranking.
Automatically question arises where exactly Indian higher education went wrong?
Education sector demands very high level of personal contacts and quality
of educational sector is highly dependent on the contribution of the teach-
ers. In educational institutions students are considered as primary custom-
ers and again they are reshaped into final products to be sold in the job
market. Therefore the role of teachers in higher education are very chal-
lenging. Teachers in higher education should consider teaching and re-
search in a complementary way. Special emphasis should be given on as-
sessment orientation teaching and research. Involvement of the teachers
in higher education institutions also play an important role in achieving
success of the institute. Again he would be able to secure and retain the
coveted place only by fulfilling the needs of his students. In order to ac-
complish all of these, he has to find satisfaction in his work (Rao, 2004). Education sector definitely need
much spending in internal motivation. With passage of time teaching has evolved as any other profession
and organisations play a large role in motivating the teaching professionals. Consequently “Internal Mar-
keting” comes in the picture of Higher education sector.
Internal marketing seems easy to understand but mostly forgettable by the companies as they are more
focused towards external marketing and cr