DVJS Employer Newsletter Summer 2016 | Page 8

Job Seeker Profiles Alyce Age Care/Administration Alyce is seeking opportunities to work hard, learn and help grow your business. With formal qualifications in business and more than 5 qualifications in health - including a Diploma of Nursing and Diploma of Health Science, she wants to share her knowledge and capabilities in support of your company and its continued growth. Jordy Working with animals or DVJS will be closed from FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd at 12 noon and re-open Tuesday, January 3rd 2017 labouring Jordy is a very reliable young man, who takes pride in always being on time no matter if its a deadline or an appointment. He gets it done. He’s willing to work above industry and is eager to not only learn and acquire new skills, but put his skills to good use for your business. John Machine Operator/Production Line/Factory work With reliable transportation, a forklift license and years of experience in both the factory and in production, John is eager to get back into work. His keen mechanical mind, attention to detail and working knowledge of power tools would be an consistent asset and John is looking forward to bringing his years of experience to your business. a $200 Coles Myer Gift Voucher! Employ a DVJS jobseeker during the months of January to March & automatically go into the draw to be one of the two employers to win! . Winning Employers will be contacted by their PPS worker & formally announced in the next issue of DVJS newsletter coming March. SEE EVEN MORE PROFILES, DVJS NEWS & OTHER GREAT CONTENT ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE SEARCH FOR DVJS EMPLOYMENT & LIKE US CONGRATULATIONS! Steven SL Insulation Anthony Frankie’s Cafe You are our official winners, but we’d like to thank everyone eligible you have changed lives by giving good people a great opportunity! WWW.DVJS.COM.AU [email protected] TEL: 1300 DVJS DV FAX: 9793 6200 SOCIAL: DVJSEMPLOYMENT