DVJS Employer Newsletter Summer 2016 | Page 10



Joshua is a young man looking at creating something positive this early in his life . He was open to any type of work prior to commencing a job at AG Bakehouse as a Food Processing Assistant . He started work in August 2016 . Part of his job is packing and labelling of bread , mixing flour and general cleaning . Someday , he wants to become a baker and he is preparing for that day to come .
The owners of AG Bakehouse , Andreas and Gabriella Sitnikow , are very supportive of Joshua . They found out about his work ethic right away as he walks to work every time and arrives at the bakehouse 15 minutes prior to his shift . Joshua ’ s workmates also see in him a young lad quite focussed on the things he does and does them well ! Even Joshua ’ s support person , Denise Taylor , was impressed on the day of the handover how punctual and courteous Joshua he is .



Salts of the Earth have proved to be another fantastic DVJS partner . Salt therapy gets rave reviews from people in all walks of life with a mind for health , relaxation and new experiences , and it ’ s this mindset as a company that led Salts to hire DVJS client Raelene , who has had such success that she ’ s now full time at their brand new Narre Warren clinic . Salts of the Earth want to help people live , sleep and breathe better - and in providing opportunity for people like Raelene , they ’ re definitely making lives better . Go say hi to Raelene at Salts of the Earth Narre Warren South and see for yourself why salt therapy is such a hit .
Joshua comes from a very supportive family , and his mum , Simone , sometimes comes to our appointment . As a form of gratitude – and to our surprise – Simone sent a bouquet of flowers to the Dandenong Team for helping his son secure a job .